
Sustainable social change is never the task of the individual – let alone just the individual. Globalization must mean thinking mindfully and together for a better world – that is the challenge we face today.

Where joint action is existential for our future, IMPCT embodies the unifying plus sign. IMPCT brings together what promises a future and overcomes what deprives future generations of their livelihood: Fragile structures ans processes of overexploitation of nature that irretrievably consume resources for economic growth at any cost, rather than adapting natural cycles. IMPCT closes the circles and promotes social and societal innovation.

Imagine passion is capital

Where companies articulate their values, purpose and mission, and where social businesses and non-profits demonstrate their innovative potential, IMPCT creates new opportunities in all directions, effectively turning words and ideas into action with the right partners. For a balance between economic profit, ecological benefit and social added value.

Our Work


IMPCT wants to master the great challenges of our time in new ways. Hand in hand – with joint solutions from business, science, politics and civil society. To shape a tomorrow that truly offers everybody a future.

Im Versuch, einen nachhaltigen gesellschaftlichen Wandel zu vollziehen, drohen wir weder an mangelnden Lösungsansätzen noch an fehlenden Mitteln und Ressourcen – Kapital – zu scheitern. Vielmehr scheitern wir im Paradigmenwechsel daran, nicht gemeinsam zu handeln, Schnittstellen zu ignorieren, systemische Veränderungen nicht schnell genug zu erkennen und die Wirkung unseres Handelns nicht ausreichend zu hinterfragen. „Gut gemeint ist nicht gleich gut gemacht.“


Seit einigen Jahren beobachten wir zudem ein Zusammenwachsen des zweiten und dritten Sektors in vielen Volkswirtschaften. Die Wirtschaft geht neue Allianzen mit der Gemeinnützigkeit ein, doch noch immer fehlt es allen Beteiligten oft an Mut, sich wirklich aufeinander einzulassen, voneinander zu lernen und zu profitieren, zu kooperieren, einander zu befruchten. Auch diese Berührungsängste der Akteure führen dazu, dass Potenzial ungenutzt bleibt, Chancen vertan werden und Wirkungen verpuffen, weil die Vergleichsgrößen fehlen.

Solche Vergleichsgrößen hat IMPCT über die Entwicklung klassischer KPIs geschaffen. Mit unserem Konzept des Social ROI fördern wir die wirkungs- und sinnvolle Vernetzung verschiedener Player und vermitteln das wichtige Bewusstsein für ein neues Verständnis von Profit und Rendite, das ökonomische, ökologische und soziokulturelle Faktoren und Resultate eines Engagements – sowie deren anzustrebendes Gleichgewicht – zu Erfolgsindikatoren in jeder Kosten-Nutzen-Bilanz erhebt. Für alle Beteiligten.


IMPCT gGmbH develops and initiates its projects, mandates and activities on the basis of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), developed by the UN in 2015. They are the foundation for the 2030 Agenda, with which the global community, consisting of 193 countries, has committed itself to the goal of making global development ecologically, economically and socially sustainable.

The guiding principle of sustainable development goes back to the Brundtland Report published by the UN in 1987. Responding to negative changes in nature and climate due to resource and energy use, the report was a call for change in economic and social development towards greater ecological balance as well as international and intergenerational justice.

Building on this, the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) were proclaimed by the UN in September 2000: The MDGs were replaced by the 17 SDGs, with the aim of achieving the climate, environmental and social goals by 2030. The SDGs are our roadmap for the future – they are intended to enable the global community to live in dignity while preserving the natural foundations of life for future generations.

This encompasses all economic, environmental, and social aspects and is based on the recognition that economy, ecology, and society are interdependent and mutually dependent systems. The goal of IMPCT is a concrete implementation and manageability of the 17 SDGs in any corporate and social action.

The 17 SDGs with their 169 sub-goals and indicators need to be prioritized and specified as implementation measures for the respective organization. IMPCT develops corresponding implementation scenarios for sustainability strategies that synergistically contribute to the environmental and social goals as well as to the respective business model.


Ideas opendoors

On the best way to a livable future, IMPCT is a door opener, motor and enabler for the non-profit sector, science and politics as well as for the economy and unleashes the great, connecting potential that lies dormant between these spheres. IMPCT supports, networks and promotes socially active people who are ready to find a common language and to take action in the sense of a necessary change.

In the for-profit sector we cooperate with IMPCT for Change GmbH. Together we look for the entrepreneurial and social levers for consistent action in sustainability.

Promises becomeactions

Those who work with us must want to work on themselves. Our name, IMPCT, says it all: we don’t just talk, we act. IMPCT doesn’t shy away from unpleasant truths; we put everything on the table – even if our counterparts don’t want to hear it at first. We only claim the right to do this because we know what we’re talking about. We put things on the agenda that otherwise always get postponed until next week – or the one after that. Now is the time to act differently. We only permit ourselves to do this, too, because we know how to turn empty promises into effective action. If you’re still reading this, you obviously really want to work with us to truly change your idea, your project, your organisation. Be prepared: “We’ve always done it that way!” was yesterday. We stir up dust. IMPCT “takes your place apart”. Together, we then find ways to carefully and sensibly reassemble the individual parts so that everything checks out regarding sustainable change.

Impct is...

Support& caring

Know-how &connection

Turbo & accelerator

Jumpstart& drive

IMPCT supports social businesses, nonprofits, NGOs and volunteers and promotes their commitment to sustainable social change through scholarships and training opportunities.

IMPCT advises decision makers from the nonprofit sector, politics, science and the foundation world and shows how sustainable change can be strengthened.

IMPCT unfolds the innovative potential of social businesses, directs their engagement in the right channel so that they become important connectors between individual actors from business, industry and the nonprofit sector.

IMPCT uses its own funding and acquires foundation funds and capital sources so that innovative approaches to solving social challenges can be advanced with the necessary resources.


“We are at a turning point. Never before have social change and innovation taken place at such a steady pace. New economic, environmental and socio-cultural approaches are therefore required. The bridge to a future worth living in our urban society can only be built when all environmental and economic forces interact for the common good under consideration of the basic socio-cultural coordinates. This requires all stakeholders to be involved – business, industry and science; the government and authorities; consumers, and all sections of the population. This is what IMPCT gGmbH stands for: it offers indirect help and support for social business projects through a scholarship concept with a long-term focus. The establishment of the IMPCT meeting place is an important step in the further development and interconnectedness of a prosperous society. I support IMPCT’s path of ensuring the sustainable development of a city that is liveable for everyone – development that is balanced and economically, socially and environmentally sustainable.”



Katharina Fegebank, the Second Mayor of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg and the Senator for Science, Research and Equality, has been our patron since 2019.



For a sustainable, forward-looking and systemic change, the cooperation of all important social players is indispensable. IMPCT promotes the meaningful networking of all players in the sense of progress that delivers balanced economic, ecological and socio-cultural added value.

Sustainable social change is not so much failing because of the resources we have at our disposal – rather, we are failing to change the paradigm. We must act together, recognize interfaces, embrace systemic change in order to do better. Because good intentions do not necessarily lead to good outcomes.

Well-intentioned is not the same as well done.” For a number of years now, we have observed a convergence of the second and third sectors in many economies. Business is entering into new alliances with the non-profit sector, yet all those involved often still lack the courage to really engage with each other, to learn and benefit from each other, to cooperate, to cross-fertilise. The actors’ contact fears also contribute to unused potential, wasted opportunities and fizzled-out impact.

With our concept of Social ROI – and its impact measurement based on SDG and ESG parameters – we promote the networking of meaningful players. We convey a new understanding of profit and ROI that elevates economic, ecological and socio-cultural factors and results of an engagement – as well as the balance they should strive for – to indicators of success in any cost-benefit balance sheet.

We develop and accompany organizations that want to conduct an evaluation according to SDGs or ESG criteria and position themselves sustainably for the future. The development of a standardized rating system with an individualized yet comparable impact measurement is driven by IMPCT in cooperation with Leuphana University Lüneburg and IMPCT for Change GmbH.


Those who – like NGOs and social businesses – care about the world, its condition and its improvement, should be allowed to spend their energy on precisely that. With an 18-month grant, we advise and coach NGOs and social businesses in building up their own organization – from the vision to a goal-oriented strategy to fundraising the necessary resources. Participating organizations benefit from our know-how, our network and our access to sources of capital and suitable funding.


NGOs step up to overcome local or global grievances, to help regionally or internationally – to change the world for the better. They do good, and good is booming. Whether through donations or volunteering, many people today feel an urgent need to make the world a little better within their means. But many NGOs still appear in public as mere supplicants and thus diminish their own value and impact. IMPCT supports NGOs with meaningful organizational structures and line-ups, helps to sharpen content and visions and to build teams in order to direct the focus towards social impact, actions and the meaning behind them. In this way, NGOs can create their own value chains that are important for their commitment. In order to communicate the results of this commitment in a meaningful and beneficial way, we also advise NGOs on the increasingly important issue of impact transparency.

Support ofSocial Businesses

Social business is a new way of doing business. They are pioneers of an ideal that understands returns as multidimensional – as a harmony of economic profit, ecological benefit and social value added. With great motivation, social businesses want to solve social challenges profitably. However, disillusionment often follows, because the multitude of bureaucratic hurdles, company law regulations or complex funding structures, whose focus is often not on non-profit organizations or social business, cost a large part of the energy. In order for energy to flow more efficiently into good solutions, we holistically support social business with our diverse team and skills to create detailed pitch decks that clearly define and communicate the potential and unique selling proposition of ideas. Together with social businesses, we identify suitable interfaces and niches in the market and provide access to investors, cooperation opportunities and supporters.


Would you like to support one of our cases or the work of IMPCT? Please contact us by e-mail

My Impct

